How to pack a paper or plastic bag

Store purchases come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and weights. When items are packed correctly in a paper or plastic bag, the bag can hold more items and reduce the total number of bags used. Learn more about best practices with the Bagging Instruction flyers and videos on this page.


Restaurant & food Service

Restaurant & Foodservice Bagger Training Video 1 (Spanish Captions)


Specialty Plastic

Specialty Plastic - Grocery Bagger Training Video 2 (Spanish Captions)


Ultra-Prime™ & Ultra-Post™

Reusable and UltraPost™ Reusable Plastic Bags


Paper Bags

Grocery Bagger Training (Spanish Captions)

Bagging Instructions – 3 Steps

Soft Loop Bag – Bagging Instructions

Sine Wave Bag – Bagging Instructions

Handle Up Sack Bagging Instructions

Handle Down Sack Bagging Instructions

CAUTION: In order to avoid bag failure and potentially serious injury to person or property, at all times and for all interactions with the bags, please follow the below instructions:
• Maintain the integrity and structure of the bag, and prevent any scrapes, tears, abrasions, or holes; particularly when using bags along counters, in buggies, and against the consumer’s goods.
• Never overload the bag with excess weight or with goods that may cause the bag to fail.
• Always use reasonable good judgment when packing bags with goods, and double bag the goods for extra protection or where necessary to avoid overload failure or goods that may cause the bag to fail, or as a last resort avoid bagging the goods altogether and place goods directly into the consumer’s cart.
Sample Goods to Consider for Double Bagging:
• Metal Canned Goods
• Glass Bottles, Containers, or Jars
• Heavyweight Goods with unique or sharp edges or corners
• Any Goods with unique or sharp edges or corners. When double bagging is warranted, the bagged merchandise should be picked up using all four bag handles.
Sample Goods to Consider to Avoid Bagging and for Placing Directly into Consumer’s cart:
• Milk
• Two Litre Containers
• Large Wine Bottles
• Large Canned Goods
• Laundry Detergent
• Frozen Turkeys
• Any Goods with Built in Handles or Carry Assist Capabilities.
Use extra caution at all times when bagging goods and always use reasonable good judgment to avoid bag failure and potentially serious injury to person or property.